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Thank you for taking a peek and enjoying my content. Your being here means a lot to me. I created this newsletter to share with you three things I am passionate about: creating mindful practices in everyday life, sharing my living intentionally (being open, receptive and engaged with what is) while on travel, and last but not least, identifying, analyzing and advocating for the inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people in mainstream society in the Mediterranean with a central focus on Malta. 


I spend endless hours researching, conducting interviews, and on the field to share with you ideas, anecdotes, findings and activities. My intention: to enrich your mind and soul.


This newsletter has been a dream in the making. The last step was confronting my fear that what I have for you was not good enough. I have let go of that story in my head. I stand here in front of you to invite you to join me in creating the possibility of this dream being part of your life and everyone you care for. 


If you think that your dreams are big when they come true, they become bigger when others dream with you.


In loving kindness, 

Henry, Your mindful nomad


3 Ways To Support 


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  • Wind Gusts $10-$15

  • EarthShakers $25

  • WaterBearers $50

  • FireKeepers $100+


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of $10 or more


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